Have you ever just struggled with the idea of travelling? Does it spark an anxious side of you that you didn’t know you had? We all have travel anxiety and here’s how you can make your life a little easier! 

I have always been very fearful of trying the food that the locals had. I would always be searching for the nearest fast food joint just so I didn’t have to try something new! How my views have changed over the years. Local food is the best way to find out more about the country and experience its culture. I would have never found some of my all-time favorite dishes if I continued to eat from supermarkets around the world.

You should try everything even if you have no idea what it is. When you travel, just eat what the locals are eating! You’ll thank me later.


Take this seriously! Before you leave If there is one thing you should do, is get travel Insurance. I’ve lived with too many horror stories of hurting myself in remote places and then paying a fortune to get it treated. Travel insurance is Everything! Make sure you and your family are safe while travelling. Get the travel insurance and don’t think it won’t happen to you because you know those travelers thought that, too.


Everything that is near and dear to you should be within your arms reach! If there is anything valuable that you are travelling with, do not keep it in your luggage, always keep it with you in your bag pack.

Hence make your life easier and travel the world your way!